An art competition was held over the past few months and the results featured some faces you might recognize! Click here to read more!
Looking to help out people in need? Check here to learn more about Socktober!
As times change, so does the staff at Arlington. With this in mind, click here to find out more about our new Junior High English teacher, Ms. Hiller!
Senior of the month is given to a senior who is nominated by teachers. They get nominated because of their work ethic, kindness, and willingness to help. Winning Senior of the Month is an honor and desired by many.
As the football season marches on, so does the nearly 50 year tradition of the All Brass Marching Band. Click here to read more!
The Legacy of Harold H. “Doc” Castor By: Adelyn Lafferty “When he talked, no one else did.” “He was 99% above any other coach at the time in every aspect.”  ...
We are pleased to announce our newest members of the French National Honor Society, we know they will do great work. Click here to learn more about the organization and it's members!
By: Makenna Zehender Friday mornings are one of Arlington Elementary’s favorite parts of the week. The students start their day in the Cable Auditorium and have a fifteen minute “Town Hall.” Town Hall is a ...
Last week, children in grades 4-6 competed for making the best ad for local businesses. Click here to find out how the students at Arlington did!
On October 23, Chemistry I and II kids celebrated Mole Day. Click here to read more about it!
Currently, society can be very stereotypical when it comes to certain topics, genders, races, and classes. Arlington’s junior high is working to fight back against the so-called “normal” and expectations. Click here to find out how.
As times change, so does the staff at Arlington. With this in mind, click here to find out more about our new Secretary, Mrs. Cheney!
This upcoming week is National French Week, and the French students are planning show off their spirit! Click here to read more about National French Week!
As the fall sports season comes to a close, now is the time to look back on the achievements of our fall athletes. Click here to read about one of them!
On Tuesday, October 31, Arlington junior high girls attended STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) Day at Bowling Green State University. Click here to read more!
This past week was El Día De Los Muertos (The Day of the Dead), a 3-day celebration honoring loved ones that have passed on. Click here to see how the Spanish classes got in on the festivities!
In the modern world we live in, great pieces of literature have been believed to be far gone. However, that is not the case. Click here to see some pieces of literature Red Devils believe are memorable!
With the fall sports season over, it is time to reflect on how our fall athletes did this season. Click here to find out how our athletes did!
As times change, so does the staff at Arlington. With this in mind, click here to find out more about our new music teacher, Mrs. Griffin!
Senior of the month is given to a senior who is nominated by teachers. They get nominated because of their work ethic, kindness, and willingness to help. Winning Senior of the Month is an honor and desired by many.
The season of giving and kindness is quickly approaching. The students and organizations at Arlington High School will graciously be accepting canned food donations and also scarves, mittens and hats. Click here to see how you can help.
This past Saturday was Veteran's Day. Click here to see how Arlington commemorated this important holiday.
The holidays are quickly approaching! With that in mind, click here to find out how to get ready for Thanksgiving!
As students are slowly growing up, it is wise to look staff on how to get ready for what is ahead of them. Click here to see what one of Arlington's teachers had to say!
While pop culture is constantly changing, the same cannot really be said about music. However, if you are wanting to hear some new music, click here to see what songs students are listening to!
With young teenagers being pressured to use drugs or alcohol by their peers, programs are being created prevent this. Click here to read about Hancock County's program and how you can learn more about H.A.P.P.Y!
If you signed up to donate for the Red Cross blood drive on February 6th, you might have some questions or concerns about donating, how long it will take, the process, or anything else. If this applies to you, click to read more!
Senior of the month is given to a senior who is nominated by teachers. They get nominated because of their work ethic, kindness, and willingness to help. Winning Senior of the Month is an honor and desired by many.
Need someone to talk to? Got something on your mind? Click here to read more about how Arlington is taking care of these problems with their new support group, BIONIC.
Looking for a good movie to watch over the holidays? Click here!
With the Holiday Season in full swing, the Junior High students came together to give back to the community of Arlington. Click here to see how.
Don't know what should be in your car to stay safe this Winter? Click here!
Looking for something new to read for the new year? Click here!
Looking for something to do during the winter? Click here!
With the new year rolling in, people will try to change themselves for the better. Click to see how you can better yourself for 2018!
With Graduation only one semester away, some Arlington alumni came in to give Juniors and Seniors their stories and to answer questions. Click here to read more!
As the first semester comes to an end, many students may feel drained and tired, and unmotivated to continue to do well in their classes and extracurriculars. To try to ease some of the mid-year lag that we all feel, here are some school/life tips to keep
As students grow up, it is important to understand what the armed forces does for this country. With this in mind, the eighth grade class had to opportunity to learn more about the armed forces from veterans from three different wars. Click here to read m
Senior of the month is given to a senior who is nominated by teachers. They get nominated because of their work ethic, kindness, and willingness to help. Winning Senior of the Month is an honor and desired by many.
Looking for a way to not stress out as much? Click here to find some helpful tips on stress relief!
Every year, students around the district have the opportunity to show off their music skills in the Solo and Ensemble contest. Click here to see how Arlington students did!
The student council's next blood drive will be held February 6th. Click here to read more on how you can help!
On January 26th, 2018, the Arlington BIONIC team had the opportunity to learn leadership training from a professional. Click here to read more about it!
Spending another Valentine's Day without a significant other? Click here to see some great ways to treat yourself this Valentine's day!
Need ideas on how to spend your Valentine's Day with your significant other? Click Here!
Friday, February 9th, junior high and high school students will have the opportunity to hear from David Kohout from "Talk is Cheap", a non-profit organization dedicated to building character and leaders. Click here to read more about Kohout!
This year, students at Arlington decided to start a recycling club! Here are some pictures!
Senior of the month is given to a senior who is nominated by teachers. They get nominated because of their work ethic, kindness, and willingness to help. Winning Senior of the Month is an honor and desired by many.
The Class of 2019 will put on the annual Junior Class Play on March 16th and 17th. Click here to learn more!
February 19 to the 24 was national FFA week. The FFA kids celebrate this to embrace FFA traditions and look to the future. Click here to learn a little more about the week!
Prom is just around the corner! Need a checklist of what you need? Click here!
The annual Senior trip to New York City is just around the corner! Click here to learn more about the trip!
While March means it is time for March Madness for sports fans, not everyone is a fan of the month-long tournament. With this in mind, the English department decided to create their own version of March Madness! Click here to read more!
This month, the junior high classes will be hosting fundraisers for the Iron Giraffe Challenge. Click here to read more about this.
March 17th, Science National Honor Society students will go to BGSU for Science Olympiad. Click here to read more!
On March 12, 2018, students K-9 had the opportunity to do activities courtesy of Imagination Station! Click here to learn more!
Senior of the month is given to a senior who is nominated by teachers. They get nominated because of their work ethic, kindness, and willingness to help. Winning Senior of the Month is an honor and desired by many.
Every year, the Math Department celebrates Pi Day. Click here to read more!
For years, one of the biggest things seniors look forward to their senior year is the annual trip to New York City! Click here to see how this year's trip went!
Spring sports has just begun! Click here to see a preview!
One thing Arlington takes pride in is its academics. Click here to view this 3rd Quarter's honor roll!
With the end of the year on the horizon, students are beginning to not be motivated to finish the year strong. Click here for some tips on how to finish the year strong!
With the weather changing, comes new activities for people to do. Click here to find some new things to do this spring!
One of the lesser known problems in Arlington is the problem of hallways. Click here to read this real problem in the school.
Every year, Elementary Art students enter their pieces to the Findlay Art League K-5 Student Art Show. Click here to see who represented Arlington this year!
Senior of the month is given to a senior who is nominated by teachers. They get nominated because of their work ethic, kindness, and willingness to help. Winning Senior of the Month is an honor and desired by many.
This year, in effort to help students prepare for a future career, Arlington will be putting on its first Lifelong Learning Day! Click here to read more!
This year, the Ethics class is doing a recycling unit. On top of this, the class decided to some recycling of their own! Click here to read more!
Congratulations to Arlington’s 7th grader, Tiffany Miller, for having her artwork displayed at the 2018 Findlay Art League 6-12 Student Art Show. Click here to see her piece!
Click here to read more about the 2018 FFA Banquet!
Thank you to all the students who participated in Prom Spirit Week! Click here to see some pictures!
Looking for some ways to beat summer boredom? Click here!
This year, Arlington High School began a new tradition, "Lifelong Learning Day". Click here to read more!
With the weather warming up, students will need to adjust to the change. Click here for some tips on how to beat the heat!
Another year, another successful Arts Fest! Click here to read more!
This year, the Junior High classes decided to do a career day! Click here to read more!
On May 10th, students at Arlington had the opportunity to meet with Miss Ohio 2017! Click here to read more!
The Joyce Ivy Foundation’s Summer Scholars Program is provided by a non-profit organization and it awards money to girls in the Midwest to attend Ivy League School Summer programs. This year, Anna Edmiston will represent Arlington! Click here to read more
This past weekend the All-Brass Marching Band had the opportunity to march the annual Tulip Festival in Holland, Michigan! Click here to read more!
Not satisfied with your community? Click here for a list of reasons why you should move to Arlington!
This year, the French National Honor Society put on a change war to support Heifer International. Click here to read more!
336 South Main Street
Arlington, Ohio 45814
Phone: 419-365-5121
Fax: 419-365-1282
Arlington Schools is closed Thursday, February 6, 2025.