The Pride of the Red Devils

By: Martha Foltz

As the season progresses, the All Brass continues to march with precision and excellence. Their knees are high and their horns are higher. The tradition started almost 50 years, 2019 marking the half century, and the band’s alumni was interviewed to find out what made up the Pride of the Red Devils.   

 Lou Ann Hartman, a 1976 Arlington graduate, marched a trumpet under the direction of Mr. Ron Cable. She also played flute for concert band.

 Foltz: Favorite band memory?

     Hartman:  I have 2 band memories that really were special:

      1.  We went to Washington D.C. in 1974 and marched down Pennsylvania Ave. (in the pouring rain) in the Apple Blossom Festival Parade. We took an Amtrak Train to get there.  Great  fun!!

2.  We were seniors and Ron Cable took us to his parents home in Pennsylvania for the weekend. We stayed in their home and were treated to a terrific weekend of sightseeing and kind hospitality!

           Foltz: What made band great to you?

     Hartman: What made the band great for me was the people- the true friendships and fun that we had to together. I would say this is probably still very true today.


    Emily Borkosky, a 2008 graduate that currently teaches at Arlington, marched a trombone under the direction of Mr. David Sorensen. She also played flute for concert band.

 Foltz: Favorite band memory?

    Borkosky:  I enjoyed halftime shows. Traveling to DC was fun. I enjoyed the trips, also.

Foltz: What made band great to you?

    Borkosky: I liked being a part of a group that sounded better together than apart. Just In general, it was fun.


Abigail Edmiston, a 2013 graduate, marched a mellophone under the direction of Mr. David Sorenson.

 Foltz: Favorite band memory?

    Edmiston: Senior year and being a co-squad leader with Sydney (Rettig).

Foltz: What made band great to you?

    Edmiston: My friends. And being able to play fun music.


Zachary Durliat, a 2016 Arlington graduate, marched a trombone under the direction of Mr. David Sorensen.

           Foltz: Favorite band memory?

        Durliat: My favorite band memory was always all the pre-pregame and pre-halftime good luck handshakes, dances, and group prayers that always happened no matter how pressed we were on time. It was a wonderful time where everyone got close to one another and gave each other positive encouragement prior to the routines. They helped get everyone in the right mindset yet relaxed at the same time. It was always a reminder that we were all in this together through the rain, the shine, the sleet, the snow, the high winds, and the zero and 90 degree weather. No matter what happened, we had each others and weren’t going to let each other fall…unless it was really that muddy then there might have been a couple gradual slips.

Foltz: What made band great to you?

         Durliat: Band created a stress-free environment that was filled with people who were ready to solve problems and give their all to the situations at hand. We often had a great time while sharing several laughs and creating an abundance of memories. We were serious when it came to crunch time, but that’s what made us the ultimate brass factory. (See what I did there with the titles of the songs we played lol ) None of this would have been possible without each and every person that was in the band and helped the band get to wherever we needed to be with all the proper attire and equipment. It was all of these people in this environment that made Band so great to me!


While band is not for everyone, the legacy left by the All Brass has a lasting impact on those viewing and involved.

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