Help Honor Jack Glick with The Arlington School Foundation

September 19, 2022

The ASF will be honoring Jack Glick (AHS 1961 graduate) at the football game on September 30th at 6:40pm on Doc Castor Field. Jack left a gift in his estate plan to The Arlington School Foundation for the benefit of Arlington Local Schools. We are looking forward to recognizing Jack's generosity and support of Arlington Local Schools, as it continues to live on. Please join us in this very special recognition.

Additionally, here is a short bio of Jack contributed by Tom Davis (AHS class of 1969 and Arlington School Foundation Board Member).

Jack has remembered the Arlington School Foundation in his estate. 

Jack was an only child of Howard and Mary K. Glick. They lived close to where I was raised and lived in Arlington.  Jack was in the same graduating class (1961) as my brother Dave Davis.  They went through all 12 grades (no kindergarten back then) together.  Jack was a good student and my brother, Dave recalls Jack walking over to our house to help him out with his homework if he needed it.  I recall Jack’s father passing away at a fairly early age.  Jack’s mother later married Clarence Hartman.  Clarence, of course had Hartman’s Hardware in Arlington on North Main Street and also worked at Marathon.  I believe he did tax return work for Arlington folks on the side as well.

The bottom line is that Jack never forgot Arlington Schools. He was kind enough to donate a portion of his estate to our Arlington School Foundation. This is something we should encourage other faithful alums to do.   

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